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Interdependence develops when two people regularly share their intimate thoughts and feelings, express affection to each other, ask for and give support to each other, and forgive one another. Interdependence develops gradually, over time, and is a key component in long-term, committed relationships. Creating interdependence in a new relationship requires that you let the other person know how you feel. Let her know that you think about her when she's not around. Tell him you thought of him when you were on a work trip and brought him a souvenir. When you see that your partner is struggling or needs you, be there for him emotionally. [2014] - Shannon Kolakowski

After the first few times someone cancels, declines an invitation, or claims to be busy, it's probably best to let it go or to leave it to the other person to make another move. You may want to avoid calling or texting the person or leaving Facebook messages. You might want to resist the urge to try to run into her in places where she hangs out or ask a mutual friend what she's up to. Pursuing someone who's disinterested will probably make you feel worse. [2014] - Shannon Kolakowski

If you want true love and a long-lasting marriage, you need to start by figuring out what makes you happy. [2013] - Amy Webb

The goal of online dating is to get offline as quickly as possible. [2013] - Amy Webb

Popular women use positive, optimistic language in their online profiles, not buzzwords like "future thinker". Here are the ten most often used words I found: easy-going, love, laugh, laid-back, optimistic, outgoing, fun, down-to-earth, pleasure, adventure. [2013] - Amy Webb

Good profiles mentioned characteristics that would probably be true for all of us, such as: "I want someone who will make me laugh." About Me sections with fewer than a hundred words tend to be clearly popular. Short profiles that express just enough information to pique someone's interest work best. [2013] - Amy Webb

It's an old, established rule, but "golden hour" lighting is ideal because the first and last hours of sunlight are diffuse and warm. For that reason, women with photos taken outside during those hours tended to look great. [2013] - Amy Webb

Once I responded to an initial message, it took an average of twenty-two hours for a woman to get back to me. With so many forms of instant communication--Facebook, text messaging, IM--that twenty-two hours was enough time to make me wonder what she was doing but not enough time for me to lose interest. [2013] - Amy Webb

Peak hours for sending a first email through the online dating system tended to be during work (eleven A.M. to four P.M.) and then just after dinner (seven P.M. to nine P.M.). I did have a few women send me a first message after eleven P.M. Those who did had an 82 percent chance of coming from a profile that had too many words. [2013] - Amy Webb

Keep your profile short but pithy, Aim for between ninety and one hundred words, which works out to about three sentences. Don't mention work, especially if your job is difficult to explain. [2013] - Amy Webb

Use between three and five photos in your gallery. Galleries with more photos are more competitive, but after five they seem to pass a point of saturation and diminishing return. [2013] - Amy Webb

If you're trying to cast the widest possible net to attract the largest selection of men or women, the last thing you should do is to start listing your income, political views, and the like. Avoid mentioning specific comedians, shows, or movies unless those are top-tier attributes on your list. [2013] - Amy Webb

Most people don't wear glasses in the U.S., and we're not conditioned to finding men and women who wear glasses sexy. If you need your glasses to see, find a good optometrist who can outfit you with a great frame, thin lenses, and a high-quality anti-reflective coating. [2013] - Amy Webb

Photos should focus on your waist up, unless you have amazing legs. Then it's okay to include one or two full-body shots in your gallery. The majority of your photos should be closer up, highlighting your face. Don't stage a smile. Instead, try to laugh just before the shot is taken. Flirty smiles that don't look cheesy also work. Make eye contact with the camera. Aim to take most of your photos outdoors. [2013] - Amy Webb

Make your initial contact short and sweet. Five sentences or less, or under 150 words. If someone instant messages you while you're online, go ahead and IM them back if you want. Otherwise, wait twenty-two to twenty-three hours between email contacts for the first few messages. Don't send messages while most people are sleeping, even if you're wide-awake. Shoot for business hours or just after dinnertime. [2013] - Amy Webb

A lot of people try to use sarcasm to flirt, and it tends not to read well. Most people who are successful at flirting do so via instant message instead of email. The best way to flirt is to care deeply about whatever your date is saying and to focus all of your attention on him or her. Ask thoughtful questions. Take a keen interest in the conversation. Be enthusiastic. [2013] - Amy Webb

Make a list. Score your dates. Market yourself wisely. Find your needle. [2013] - Amy Webb

The ideal first meet-up should last between forty-five and ninety minutes. By touching a knee or a hand as you laugh, you'll build a bond beyond words, taking the way you relate to a new level (It's much too early for a cuddle session, though). Wrap up the date when you feel that the energy between you has hit its peak. For a parting gesture, do whatever feels most comfortable: a hug or a peck on the cheek, or, if the vibe's right, go in for a frenchie. [2013] - Laurie Davis

Men typically have lower response rates than women, meaning that they have to write more messages to get one email back. [2013] - Laurie Davis

Once you're ready to meet up with a match, some prefer to talk on the phone first to get to know each other voice-to-voice, while others skip straight to a date. Singles in less populated areas typically prefer a phone call, but if you're an urbanite, definitely skip dialing your date and meet right away. [2013] - Laurie Davis

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