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Certain cruises and cruise lines will serve your needs better than others. Here's the rule of thumb: Longer-colder-older. Translated: the longer the itinerary, the colder the destination, the older the cruise passengers. Cost also plays a major role, but try rhyming that. On cruise lines like Holland America and Celebrity, even in the Caribbean, you'll find few people under the age of 25. With destinations like Alaska and Northern Europe, the number of younger passengers is significantly smaller. On the most upscale lines, such as Radisson and Seven Seas, the average clientele is over 55 and affluent. [2005] - Sharon Romm

For a more chic option than a chain coffeehouse, consider meeting in a museum cafe. Don't worry about a museum admission fee, as you can usually enter without payment. Try the coffee shop or lounge of an elegant hotel or meet for coffee and dessert in a upscale restaurant. The setting is likely to be quiet and the service unobtrusive. [2005] - Sharon Romm

Walks can be nice. First meet to buy your coffees. Arrange the route so it's neither too long nor too physically demanding. Let your date know the plan in advance; some people not be able to walk a long distance, or might find it difficult to walk and talk at the same time. You might also consider the zoo, a sculpture garden, a botanical garden, or a river walk. [2005] - Sharon Romm

When in doubt, choose black. Black is a popular color for clothing because it's background--you get noticed before your clothing. For most people, it's flattering. It makes heavy people look thin and thin folks look elegant. Men: try a black turtleneck sweater with a jacket. This lacks the formality of wearing a tie, yet has a finished look. [2005] - Sharon Romm

The less said about the past, the better for both partners. No one forgets his or her past, but it does no good to rehash old hurts. Don't ask for details of previous romantic relationships. If you do ask a question, keep it open-ended. "How did things go between you?" Listen to the story, but don't pry. [2005] - Sharon Romm

Address financial values and differences early on. Take a look at how tings are going. Do you have an easy time deciding who pays for dates? If your date is adamant about always paying, go along with it. But you need to make an offer, even if it's always refused. This shows the subject of money isn't taboo and the other person can introduce it at any time. Have a chat as early as possible. say something simple and succinct, for instance, "I've really been enjoying the things we do together. How would like to share the expenses?" It will make you feel more like a potential couple if you can talk about such an everyday yet significant issue. Opening up the discussion will let you know where you and your companion stand on the subject. [2005] - Sharon Romm

Many men and women experience a sense of urgency as they age, which makes them more likely to rush into a relationship, fearing they'll never get another chance. But they may just be rushing into misery. Take time. Find out if this person is someone you can truly care about and someone who can truly care for you. [2005] - Sharon Romm

Try to integrate the person you're dating into your family's social life can prove challenging. When you're ready to introduce your date to your family, it is your responsibility to smooth they way. Family matters can increase the complexity of the relationship between men and women of any age. If you prepare for problems, you're one step ahead. Be ready for difficulty but notice the rewards as well. [2005] - Sharon Romm

Take your partner at her word. Is there any other interpretation for, "I don't want to see you anymore?" Don't fool yourself into thinking she really means: "I want you to change and if you do I might love you." There is no magic formula, instruction book, or therapy that can help you change the mind of another person. No matter how painful it seems at the time, take the words "It's over" as a blessing in disguise. You are free to find someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. [2005] - Sharon Romm

Having a sense of humor is near the top of woman's priority list of what they look for in a man. [2004] - Allan Pease

If you are male, it's acceptable to approach a woman from the front and eventually you can angle yourself to 45 degrees. Never approach men directly from the front or women from behind. [2004] - Allan Pease

A man will stand taller, protrude his jaw and expand his chest to make himself appear dominant. A woman who is interested will respond by emphasizing her breasts, tilting her head, touching her hair, exposing her wrists and thereby making herself appear submissive. [2004] - Allan Pease

When a person wants to attract the opposite sex they do so by emphasizing sexual differences. For a man, success in the mating game relies mainly on his ability to read the signals being sent to him, as opposed to being able to initiate his own moves. Women's difficulty in finding partners is not about reading signals, it's more about finding a man who'll match their criteria. [2004] - Allan Pease

Women do initiate up to 90% of flirtatious encounters but it is done so subtly that most men think they are the ones taking the lead. [2004] - Allan Pease

As with other animals, human courtship follows a predictable five-step sequence that we all go through when we meet an attractive person. Stage 1: Eye contact. Stage 2: Smiling. Stage 3: Preening. Stage 4: Talk. Stage 5: Touch. [2004] - Allan Pease

The 13 Most Common Female Courtship Gestures and Signals: 1. The Head Toss and Hair Flick. 2. Wet Lips and Pouting, Mouth Slightly Open. 3. Self-Touching. 4. The Limp Wrist. 5. Fondling a Cylindrical Object. 6. Exposed Wrists. 7. Sideways Glance Over Raised Shoulder. 8. Rolling Hips. 9. The Pelvic Tilt. 10. Handbag in Close Proximity. 11. The Knee Point. 12. The Shoe Fondle. 13. The Leg Twine. Other leg signals used by women include crossing and uncrossing the legs slowly in front of the man and gently stroking the thighs with her hand, indicating a desire to be touched. [2004] - Allan Pease

Men are more attracted to women with a child-like face - large eyes, small noses, full lips and cheeks. Women, conversely, prefer men with adult faces that show the ability to defend - strong jaws, larger brows and a strong nose. [2004] - Allan Pease

A woman doesn't need to be naturally beautiful to attract a man. She mainly needs to be able to display the signs that she could be available. [2004] - Allan Pease

Women continually express a preference for men with deeper, smoother voices. Overall, women also look for athletic body shape, broad shoulders, muscular chest and arms and a tight butt. Women find male hips with a 90% waist-to-hips ratio the most appealing. [2004] - Allan Pease

In Western cultures, men wearing chocolate colored suites turn women off. [2004] - Allan Pease

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