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Cruciferous vegetables (kale, collards, broccoli, broccoli rabe, brocollina, brussels sprouts, watercress, bok choy, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, mustard greens, arugula, kohlrabi, red cabbage, mache, turnip greens, horse radish, rutabaga, turnips, radishes) are the foods with the most powerful anticancer effects of all foods. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Spending the money to buy organic food makes the most sense when buying the following foods: 1) Meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy: By going organic, you avoid supplemental hormones and antibiotics. You also greatly reduce the risk of exposure to the mad cow disease, and you minimize your exposure to other potential toxins in nonorganic feed. 2) Produce: Apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, garlic, hot peppers, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberries, spinach, and strawberries have historically been found to carry the greatest amount of pesticides, even after washing. [2013] - Nadine Artemis

In citrus fruits, most of the anti-cancer compounds are present in the membranes and pulp, which are removed in processing juice. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Those who avoided red meat but ate white meat regularly had a more than 300 percent increase over those who ate no white meat in colon cancer incidence. Eating beans, peas, or lentils at least twice a week was associated with a 50 percent lower risk than never eating these foods. Chicken has about the same amount of cholesterol as beef, and the production of those potent cancer-causing compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) is even more concentrated in grilled chicken than in beef. Beans in general, not just soy, have additional anti-cancer benefits against reproductive cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

If you are slim and exercise regularly, you can consume three to four ounces of raw nuts or seeds daily, an avocado, or little Oliver oil. Growing children, or an individual who is heaving the difficulty gaining weight, can eat a little more dietary fat, but it still should mostly be fat from the whole-some foods described above. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

It makes good sense to peel fruits if possible, and not to eat potato skins unless you are able to purchase pesticide-free potatoes. Remove and discard the outermost leaves of lettuce and cabbage if not organically grown; other surfaces that cannot be peeled can be washed with soap and water or a commercial vegetable wash. Washing with plain water removes 25 to 50 percent of the pesticide residue. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Tofu and frozen soybeans are good sources of omega-3 fat and calcium, but soy nuts, soy milk, and other processed soy products do not retain much of the beneficial compounds found in the natural bean. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Adding mushrooms, onions, greens and blackberries to the diet lowers cancer rates. My argument and recommendations are for people not just to eat these foods, but to eat these foods in significant amounts and simultaneously. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, collards, broccoli, cauliflower and turnips are twice powerful as other plant foods. A 20% increase in plant food intake generally corresponds to a 20% decrease in cancer rates, but a 20% increase in cruciferous vegetable intake corresponds to a 40% decrease in cancer rates. 28 servings of vegetables per week decrease prostate cancer risk by 33%, but just 3 servings of cruciferous vegetables per week decreases prostate cancer risk by 41%. One or more servings of cabbage per week reduces the occurrence of pancreatic cancer by 38%. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

To maximize the immune-function benefits of cruciferous vegetables (arugula, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli rabe, broccolini, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, red cabbage, turnip greens and watercress), do the following: 1) Chew all cruciferous greens very, very well, trying to crush every cell. 2) Puree, blend, or chop cruciferous vegetables before adding them to stews or soups. 3) When steaming green cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage, try to undercook slightly so they are not too mushy. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

White, cremini, portobello, oyster, maitake, and reishi mushrooms have all been shown to have anticancer effects. Their ability is further enhanced when the diet contains mushrooms, onions, and green vegetables simultaneously. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Super Immunity is created by a diet with a portfolio of immune system-strengthening and cancer-fighting foods. Here's a good way to remember the essentials (GOMBBS): Greens, onions, mushrooms, berries, beans, seeds. Top Super Foods for Super Immunity: Kale/collards/mustard greens, Arugula/watercress, Green lettuce and cabbage, Broccoli and brussels sprouts, Carrots and tomatoes, Onions and garlic, Mushrooms, Pomegranates, Berries (all types), Seeds (flax, chia, sesame, sunflower) [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Beans, peas, corn, wild rice, barley, steel-cut oats, oatmeal, tomatoes, squashes, berries, and fresh fruits are examples of the most favorable carbohydrates sources. Beans, green peas, berries and tomatoes are at the top of the list. Squashes, intact whole grains (such as steel-cut oats), wild rice, quinoa, wheat berries, and even sweet potatoes would be more favorable choices than white potatoes, which would be at the bottom of this list. Regardless of the relative merits of these natural carbohydrates, things get considerably worse when they become processed. A perfect example is cereal that consists of finely ground flour combined with fruit juice to sweeten it. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

When you eat seeds and nuts with your meals, the fatty acids supplied increase the absorption of immune system-supporting micronutrients and phytochemicals significantly. For example, when you eat a nut- or seed-based dressing on a salad, you absorb much more of the carotenoids in the raw vegetables. More than ten times as much of certain nutrients is absorbed. If you are thin, physically active, pregnant, or nursing, eat 2-4 ounces of nuts a day (according to your caloric needs). It is best to eat nuts and seeds raw or only lightly toasted. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Here are 5 simple rules for a powerful immune system that you should commit to memory: 1) Eat a large salad every day. 2) Eat at least a half-cup serving of beans/legumes in soup, salad, or another dish once daily. 3) Eat at least three fruits a day, especially berries, pomegranate seeds, cherries, plums, oranges. 4) Eat at least one ounce of raw nuts and seeds a day. 5) Eat at least one large (double-size) serving of green vegetables daily, either raw, steamed, or in soups or stews. Try to eat not more than one or two foods a day that are not health-supporting. Whole-grain bread/pasta/cereal would not have to be considered in this limit. Only products made of white flour or processed grains would fall in the processed food category. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Some people, especially thin individuals, require more calories and more fat to sustain their weight. This is usually resolved by including raw nuts, raw nut butters, avocados, and other healthy foods that are nutrient-rich and high in fat and calories. Even these naturally thin individuals will significantly improve their health and lower their risk of degenerative diseases if they reduce their dependency on animal foods and instead consume more plant-derived fats, such as those in nuts. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

It makes sense to peel fruits, if possible, and not to eat potato skins, unless you are able to purchase those vegetables in organic form. Remove and discard the outermost leaves of lettuce and cabbage, if not organically grown; and other surfaces that cannot be peeled can be washed with soap and water, or a commercial vegetable wash. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

I suggest that you keep the animal products well below 10 ounces for a female and 12 ounces for a male for the entire week. In other words, don't eat a large portion of animal products at any meal, but use such products in condiment or flavoring amounts to add taste to a soup, stew, or salad. To keep animal products appropriately limited in your diet, I suggest that if you use some on a particular day, make the next day completely vegan. That way you will easily not exceed the low levels I prescribe for Super Immunity and an anticancer lifestyle. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Avoid food products that contain High-fructose corn syrup. High-fructose corn syrup is being added to hundreds of foods that have not traditionally been sweetened--breads, condiments, and many snack foods. Avoid foods that have some form of sugar (or sweetener) listed among the top three ingredients. [2011] - Michael Pollan

Avoid big fish at the top of the marine food chain--tuna, swordfish, shark--because they're endangered, and because they often contain high levels of mercury. Fortunately, a few of the most nutritious wild fish species, including mackerel, sardines, and anchovies, are relatively well managed, and in some cases are even abundant. Those oily little fish are particularly good choices. [2011] - Michael Pollan

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