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Using the lowest possible heat for cooking vegetables. High heat-stream is hotter than boiling water-changes the colloidal structure of the nutrients, particularly the proteins but also the minerals, and makes them hard to absorb and assimilate. This method does not "cook the life out of the food." The only nutrients that are damaged are the enzymes, which dies in temperatures above 140° F (60° C). [2013] - Charlotte Gerson

Soy products of all kinds (e.g., tofu, flour or sauce) contain a substance that blocks absorption of nutrients, besides having a high fat content. A great deal of research has proven the toxicity of soy, even when grown organically. The hype claiming soy's usefulness in preventing breast cancer has turned out to be unsubstantiated and the opposite of truth: soy is likely to stimulate malignancy. [2013] - Charlotte Gerson

Potatoes are extremely nutritious, high in potassium as well as in protein and easily digestible (much more so than rice). Tomatoes are also valuable as they contain vitamins and minerals, including lycopene-a powerful antioxidant that has been extensively researched in recent years and is reputed to boost immune competence. Other vegetables belonging to the nightshade family, such as green peppers and eggplants, are also used and have never shown any toxic effects. [2013] - Charlotte Gerson

It's true that organic produce is not as rich as it used to be. However, synthetic vitamins and minerals, which the pharmaceutical industry uses in its supplements, are almost always poorly absorbed. Moreover, some are outright damaging, such as vitamins A and E and several of the B vitamins. Vitamins A and E are found in fish oils and soy oil. These have to be avoided since the fatty substances stimulate tumor growth. The only B vitamins that are important to use are B3 (niacin) and B12. The others disturb the metabolism. [2013] - Charlotte Gerson

Balanced Plate: 1. Cover half your plate with nonstarchy vegetables 2. Cover about 25 percent of your plate with lean protein, including some plant sources 3. Cover the remaining 25 percent of your plate with a healthy starch choice, such as a whole grain or starchy vegetable 4. Include a dab of healthy fat to enhance the flavor and add healthful nutrients [2013] - Hillary Wright

Lean sources of protein include any kind of seafood, white meat poultry without the skin, and lean cuts of meat with the words "loin," "round," "flank," "select," "choice," or "90 percent lean" or leaner in the name. [2013] - Hillary Wright

Food Labels - Total fat: "low fat" means 3 grams of fat or less per serving. Something with 5 grams of fat per serving is pretty close to low fat. Saturated fat and trans fats: These should be limited as much as possible in your diet so ideally these two numbers should be zero. Any amount of trans fat is considered unhealthy. "Low saturated" means no more than 1 gram of saturated fat per serving. Avoid foods with "shortening," "hydrogenated," or "partially hydrogenated" fat listed as an ingredient. Cholesterol: "Low cholesterol" means no more than 20 milligrams per serving and should be limited to 300 milligrams per day. Sodium: "Low sodium" means less than 140 milligrams per serving and should be limited to 2,400 milligrams per day. Dietary fiber: A "high-fiber" food means there are 5 grams or more per serving. A food that is considered a "good source" of fiber has 2.5 grams to 4.9 grams per serving. Sugar: A reasonable number to aim for is around 8 grams of sugar or less per serving. [2013] - Hillary Wright

Look for low-fat crackers (no more than 3 grams of fat), 2 grams of fiber or more and no trans fats: 1. Kashi TLC Honey Sesame, Natural Ranch, and Original 7 Grain 2. Wheat Thins: Reduced Fat, Fiber Selects 3. Triscuits Reduced Fat, Thin Crisps, and Minis 4. Ak-Mak 100% Whole Wheat 5. Wasa Multigrain 6. Kavli Crispbread 7. Graham crackers (any brand) [2013] - Hillary Wright

Unless it's plain (unflavored), yogurt may contain large amounts of added sugar unless marked "light," which means it's been artificially sweetened. Look for those with 20 grams of total carbs or less per 6 ounces (usually the case with Greek yogurts that have two to three times the protein of regular yogurts): 1. Stonyfield Farm: plain or flavored 2. Dannon Light & Fir or fat-free plain yogurt 3. Yoplait Light 4. Greek style: Chobani nonfat Greek yogurt, Fage nonfat Greek yogurt, Dannon Light & Fir Greek Yogurt, Activia Greek 4-ounce yogurts 5. Other 1 percent or nonfat Greek yogurts [2013] - Hillary Wright

More than two servings of fish per week are associated with significantly higher incidence of type 2 diabetes. There is no significant benefit from using fish in your diet at all. The healthful omega-3 fat can be ingested via a supplement (even a vegan DHA/EPA supplement). I do not recommend fish oil capsules regularly because each capsule contains about 1,000 milligrams of oil, and this high dose of fish fat may have a negative effect on diabetes. Instead 150 to 300 milligrams a day is sufficient. Consider the algae-sourced DHA supplements available or DHA/EPA Purity. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Researchers found that people consuming seven eggs a week had a 58 percent higher risk of developing diabetes than those who did not eat eggs. Furthermore, egg and dairy intake are also linked to heightened risk of heart failure, up to a significant 23 percent higher risk. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Even a relatively low amount of animal protein in the diet could raise a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Because IGF-1 signaling plays a key role in tumor growth, reducing IGF-1 levels by dietary methods is now considered by most scientists studying this subject to be effective cancer-prevention measure. When we strive to consume most of our protein from plants, we solve the IGF-1 issue and help prevent both cancer and diabetes. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Beans, green vegetables, seeds, and some fruits are high in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber supplies a gelatinous-like material in the bowel. It is not absorbed and does not give us calories. Soluble fiber is very important, as it slows the absorption of glucose and helps lower cholesterol. Beans are especially high in soluble fiber. Black beans, for instance, contain the highest amount of total dietary fiber at 43 percent, and 63 percent of their total starch content is resistant starch. The resistant starch found in beans powerfully reduces hunger and, thus, food consumption over many hours. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

In general, I recommend diabetics avoid regular and liberal consumption of foods with a GL (Glycemic Load) above 15, at least until their diabetes is in better control and their weight has dropped significantly. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

The best foods to eat to reverse diabetes: Raw greens, Cooked greens, Mushrooms, Eggplant, Onions, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Beans, Nuts/Seeds, Lower-sugar fruits such as berries and kiwi [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Breakfast should consist of a few low-sugar fruits, such as berries, papaya, kiwis, pomegranates, oranges, and green apples. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries are especially recommended. A half cup of cooked oats--or even a whole cup for men--is also acceptable to eat with breakfast. Use rolled oats or steel-cut oats (preferred) but not quick oats. Try soaking steel-cut oats and regular rolled oats overnight in the fridge and then eating them soft, but not cooked, the next morning. Try to eat one tablespoon of ground chia seeds or flaxseeds daily with breakfast. Sprinkle them over a bowl of cut fruit or mix them into the oats. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Always wash fresh fruit and vegetables thoroughly. Buy organic if possible. Always buy organic strawberries, spinach, and celery, as these three items are the most pesticide-contaminated foods in the produce section. Twelve foods with the lowest pesticides: 1. Onions 2. Sweet Corn 3. Pineapple 4 Avocado 5. Cabbage 6. Sweet Peas (frozen) 7. Asparagus 8. Mangos 9. Eggplant 10. Kiwi 11. Cantaloupe (domestic) 12. Sweet Potatoes; Twelve foods with the most pesticides: 1. Apples 2. Celery 3. Bell peppers 4. Peaches 5. Strawberries 6. Nectarines (imported) 7. Grapes 8. Spinach 9. Lettuce 10. Cucumbers 11. Blueberries (domestic) 12. Potatoes [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Should you occasionally choose to use a prepared soup, keep in mind that your overall daily sodium intake should remain under 1,200 milligrams for men and under 1,000 milligrams for women. Natural whole foods contain 400 to 700 milligrams of sodium, which allows for a leeway of about 500 milligrams. Be sure to read labels. Try to select a no-salt added variety. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

It is best to eat only when you're hungry, and not eat after dinner. People who eat more frequently usually take in more calories per day. More frequent eating or snacking has been shown to increase the risk of colon cancer in men. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

No oil should be considered a health food. All oil, including olive oil, is 100 percent fat and contains 120 calories per tablespoon. Foods rich in monounsaturated fats like olive oil are less harmful than foods full of saturated fats and trans fats, but being less harmful does not make them healthful. You can add a little bit of olive oil to your diet if you are thin and exercise a lot. However, the more oil you add, the more you are lowering the nutrient-per-calorie density of your diet--and that is not your objective, as it does not promote health. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

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