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When someone says his time is tight, you have only ten seconds. Say one or two friendly sentences and hang up! [2009] - Leil Lowndes

Have a networking plan that includes about 10 hours a week. It can be a business group. It can be a trade association meeting. It can be a ball game. It can be the theater. It can be an exercise group. It can be a gallery crawl. It can also be a charity event. [2005] - Jeffrey Gitomer

The fundamental precept of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is that one's thoughts, feelings, and behavior-and the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of others-can be manipulated through words, suggestions, and physical gestures designed to influence the subconscious. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Talking too fast is usually a sign of a deep lack of confidence. Such people usually become writers. [2005] - Neil Strauss

If you have someone choose a number between one and ten randomly, seventy percent of the time-especially if you rush their decision-that number will be seven. [2005] - Neil Strauss

When negotiating over the telephone, the person with the stronger argument usually wins, but this is not so true when negotiating face-to-face. [2004] - Allan Pease

Signals like pupil dilation, sweating and blushing cannot be consciously faked. [2004] - Allan Pease

When men lie their body language can be obvious. Women prefer to look busy as they lie. A woman who is trying to hide something will try to avoid the subject or talk about a range of unrelated topics while doing various other activities at the same time. [2004] - Allan Pease

There are two key ingredients for creating rapport in a handshake. First, make sure that yours and the other person's palms are in the vertical position so that no one is dominant or submissive. Second, apply the same pressure you receive. [2004] - Allan Pease

The Double-Hander is like a miniature hug and is acceptable only in circumstances where a hug could also be acceptable. The Elbow Grasp conveys more intimacy and control than the Wrist Hold, and the Shoulder Hold conveys more than the Upper-Arm Grip. Unless you and the other person have a personal or emotional bond, only use a single-handed handshake. [2004] - Allan Pease

In the enjoyment smile, not only are the lip corners pulled up, but the muscles around the eyes are contracted, while non-enjoyment smiles involve just the smiling lips. [2004] - Allan Pease

A false smile often appears stronger on one side of the face than the other. False facial emotions are more pronounced on the left side of the face than the right. [2004] - Allan Pease

Don't touch: Germany, Japan, England, USA & Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Estonia, Portugal, Northern Europe, Scandinavia. Do touch: India, Turkey, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Middle East, Parts of Asia, Russia. [2004] - Allan Pease

When entering a foreign country, concentrate on reducing the broadness of your body language until you have the opportunity to observe the locals. [2004] - Allan Pease

Lying is the oil that greases our interactions with others and lets us maintain friendly social relationships. Social liars are more popular than those who continually tell the truth, even though we know the social liar is lying to us. Malicious Lies, however, are where one person deliberately sets out to deceive another for personal benefit. [2004] - Allan Pease

Women tell more complicated lies than men, whereas men tell simple lies. [2004] - Allan Pease

Drumming the fingers on the table and continual tapping of the feet on the floor are often misinterpreted by professional speakers as boredom signals, but in fact signal impatience. [2004] - Allan Pease

People under pressure, for instance when they are lying, are likely to dramatically increase their blinking rate. [2004] - Allan Pease

Zone Distances: 1. The Intimate Zone: between 6 and 18 inches (15-45 centimeters). 2. The Personal Zone: between 18 inches and 48 inches (46cm-1.22m). 3. The Social Zone: between 4 and 12 feet (1.22-3.6m). 4. The Public Zone: over 12 feet (3.6m). [2004] - Allan Pease

Common lift-riding rules: 1. There will be no talking to anyone, including a person you know. 2. Avoid eye contact with others at all times. 3. Maintain a 'poker face' - no emotion is permitted to be shown. 4. If you have a book or newspaper, pretend to be deeply engrossed in it. 5. In bigger crowds, no body movement is allowed. 6. At all times, you must watch the floor numbers change. [2004] - Allan Pease

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