eBusiness Quotes
If you chop the broccoli (or brussels sprouts, kale, collards, cauliflower, or any other cruciferous vegetable) and then wait 40 minutes, you can cook it as much as you want. At that point, the sulforaphane has already been made. (You can also buy bags of fresh greens and other crucifers that are prechopped or shredded, which can presumably be cooked immediately). If you don't have 40 minutes to spare between chopping and cooking, or if you're using frozen greens, just sprinkle the crucifers with some mustard powder before you eat them. The addition of powdered mustard seeds to cooked broccoli significantly increases sulforaphane formation. [2005] - Adam Ginsberg
Sweet potatoes can be considered a superfood. They are ranked as one of the healthiest foods on the planet. In fact, they're among the healthiest and cheapest, with one of the highest nutrient-rich food scores per dollar. When picking out varieties at the supermarket, remember that a sweet potato's nutritional content is tied directly to the intensity of its color. The more yellow or orange its flesh, the healthier it may be. Sweet potatoes are healthier than plain potatoes, but if you're going to choose the latter, seek out those with blue or purple flesh. [2005] - Adam Ginsberg
Radishes are completely unable to stop pancreatic cancer cell growth. However, radishes were 100% effective at halting the growth of stomach cancer cells. Orange bell peppers were useless against stomach cancer, but they were able to suppress prostate cancer cell growth by more than 75%. A diversified diet, containing several distinct classes of vegetables (and hence of phytochemicals) is essential for effective prevention of cancer. [2005] - Adam Ginsberg
Tips for raising the search engine rankings of your Web pages: 1. Feature preferably just one--and at most two--unique keywords per page. 2. The title tag should start with your keyword. 3. The first sentence of the first paragraph should start with your keyword. 4. Mention your keyword three times in the next three sentences. 5. Out of every 100 words of text on the page, between three and eleven of those words should be the keyword--a "keyword density" of between 3 and 11 percent. [2005] - Robert W. Bly
81 percent of viral e-mail recipients will pass the e-mail on to at least one other person. [2005] - Robert W. Bly
I often use the word 'Team' in the FROM line. It makes it sound as if there's a group of bright, energetic, enthusiastic people standing behind the product. [2005] - Robert W. Bly
Some e-marketers avoid "FREE" in the subject line. Despite spam filters, "FREE" typically lifts response. [2005] - Robert W. Bly
In the first paragraph, deliver a mini-version of your complete message. State the offer and provide an immediate response mechanism, such as the option of clicking on a link connected to a Web page. After the first paragraph, present expanded copy that covers the features, benefits, proof, and other information the buyer needs to make a decision. The offer and response mechanism should be repeated in the close of the e-mail. Use wide margins. Limit yourself to about 55 to 60 characters per line. Include an opt-out statement. [2005] - Robert W. Bly
Put marketing dollars first--and mostly--into promoting direct navigation, then second into strategic links, and third into search marketing placement. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Print your web address on your letterhead, envelopes, and under your return address on postcards. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Use your web address as your newsletter or custom newspaper. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Getting your site ranked in the first 10 to 30 matches (equivalent of first three pages) in major search engines is the difference between being found and being lost in the haystack. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Search engines usually read the first 500 words from each page and use that text to create a relevance index for a particular search term. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Use an internal site search engine to determine what keywords people use to find or search your site. You may be surprised. Watch for search terms you hadn't considered when you originally built the site. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
When you find underutilized word(s) not being used by competitors (lateral search) but that do appear on the consumer list (vertical search), you've hit pay dirt. Beat the competition by inserting those underutilized keywords in your website keyword list and in the content of your pages. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Internet users are relatively comfortable providing e-mail addresses online, but are very uncomfortable about providing other contact information (phone numbers, street addresses); credit card and social security numbers. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Publish a privacy policy. Link to your privacy statement prominently on every page, especially on web forms. It can be as simple as a reassuring sentence: "E-mail addresses are kept private." Or "We respect your privacy and will keep your personal information completely confidential as stated in our Privacy Policy." Or "We never have and never will share your e-mail with anyone else." [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
Post the comments and photos of happy customers on your site. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
The most powerful direct-response phrase in e-marketing is "Click here." [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard
The 'From' line is the most important factor motivating consumers to open e-mails; 60% of respondents cited the from line, while 35% cited the subject line. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard