Relationship Quotes
The DISC system: D for dominance (controller), I for influence (promoter), S for steadiness (supporter), and C for compliance (analyst). Analysts need to feel intelligent, controllers like to feel powerful, promoters do best when they feel important, and supporters like to feel valued. Given that they're matched in the ways that are important to them (interests, values, religion, etc.), people who belong in opposing quadrants have a better chance of forming a lasting bond than people who fit into the same quadrant. [2004] - Nicholas Boothman
Building and repairing relationships are long-term investments. [2004] - Stephen R. Covey
A bad marriage is worse than no marriage at all. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
A person who suffers from a character disorder frequently has significant behavioral or emotional problems that will almost certainly spell disaster for any marital relationships. One of the most difficult aspects of identifying people with character disorders is that they tend to be unusually charming. People with these kinds of disorders tend to lie, cheat, exaggerate, and take advantage of others. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
Persons who suffer from neuroses generally are depressed, fearful, obsessive-compulsive, or overly anxious. Neuroses are far less indicative of long-term catastrophic marital relationships than are character disorders. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
Three qualities indicate emotional health. Generosity, truthfulness, and kindness. If you find a person who is emotionally healthy, you will have eliminated 75 to 80 percent of the causes of divorce. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
A good deal in a marriage partner is defined as "a person who brings at least as many qualities to the marriage as you do." [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
Seventy-five to eighty percent of all chemistry evaporates within six to eight months unless their relationship is significantly undergirded by deeper and more durable compatibility. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
One quality that should be looked at for both potential partners, prior to marriage, is the tendency to find fault, to attribute blame, to make the other person wrong, and to need to portray oneself as always "right." The more pessimistic a person is, the more likely they are to be obstreperous. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
There are many marriages that work well without educational equality, but if education has received heavy stress during a person's growing[up years, this dimension must be given appropriate attention. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
It is critical that two people be well matched with regard to their moods. The two well-matched partners need to have approximately the same amount of life ambition. Their values about social issues, political issues, and environmental issues are highly important. Their views about saving money and giving money away should be similar. Two life partners need to have a similar level of interest in communicating with one another and a similar ability to communicate. Both partners need to be good at conflict resolution for a marriage to survive and thrive. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
If one partner is highly dominant, a marriage will work better if the other partner is significantly more submissive. [2002] - Neil Clark Warren
The key to any relationship is that you have to give first and then keep giving. [1989] - Anthony Robbins