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The 5 Love Language - #1: Words of Affirmation #2: Gifts #3: Acts of Service #4: Quality Time #5: Physical Touch [2017] - Gary Chapman

The most common things we know that couples typically fight about: The Parrotts (2013) boil the list down to what they call the "big five": money, sex, work, parenting, and housework. Tina Tessina (2008) prefers to pare it down to only three: money, sex and kids. [2016] - Stan Tatkin

When relationships fail, it is rarely just one person's fault. [2016] - Stan Tatkin

To live together, a couple has to agree on certain things, like not signing up for debt, and how much to spend on common items like housing. A compromise must be reached. For other things, whereas it would be nice to agree on them, like where to squeeze a tube of toothpaste, whether to have a TV or a car, it's not a crucial issue. [2010] - Jacob Lund Fisker

Good friends are the only ones who talk about trivia with each other. [2009] - Leil Lowndes

You can lose friends by knowing too much about them--even if they tell you! [2009] - Leil Lowndes

Complete candor of the confession type does not strengthen friendships. It can destroy them. [2009] - Leil Lowndes

When you express how splendid your partner or spouse is, everyone respects you. [2009] - Leil Lowndes

Developing emotional intelligence is one way to protect yourself from damaging relationships. Emotional intelligence is a science that has been studied and researched for over a decade. According to the theories, mutual respect and effective communication are key. [2009] - Liz Miller

People like to help, providing they can do it reasonably easily. [2009] - Liz Miller

Friends and family matter most during hard times. [2009] - Liz Miller

People like to be asked their opinion. [2007] - Chet Holmes

The best way to establish rapport with people and to win them over to your side is to be truly interested in them, to listen with the intention of really learning about them. When the person feels that you are really interested in getting to know them and their feelings, they will open up to you and share their true feelings with you much more quickly. [2005] - Jack Canfield

We have this idea that love is supposed to last forever. But love isn't like that. It's a free-flowing energy that comes and goes when it pleases. Sometimes it stays for life; other times it stays for a second, a day, a month, or a year. So don't fear love when it comes simply because it makes you vulnerable. but don't be surprised when it leaves, either. Just be glad you had the opportunity to experience it. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Rapport equals trust plus comfort. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Marriages are more likely to fail when one partner not only does not mirror the other's expressions of happiness, but instead shows expressions of contempt. [2004] - Allan Pease

We prefer to find mates who are roughly as attractive as we are, which means they are more likely to stay and not look for a better offer. [2004] - Allan Pease

To ensure marital bliss, a man needs to be 1.09 times taller than his partner. [2004] - Allan Pease

Five Great Habits for Better Relationships: acceptance (smile each time), appreciation (say thank you to everyone), admiration (compliment people on their appearance or clothing, etc.), approval (praise immediately, specifically and repeatedly), and attention (be a good listener). [2004] - Brian Tracy

Spouses should spend at least one full hour each day talking together about subjects that have nothing to do with their work or business. Children need at least ten minutes of face-to-face contact with their parents each day. [2004] - Brian Tracy

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