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Combinations of antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin E, and beta-carotene in pill form were associated with increased risk of death in those who took them. Supplements contain only a select few antioxidants, whereas your body relies on hundreds of them, all working synergistically to create a network to help the body dispose of free radicals. High doses of a single antioxidant may upset this delicate balance and may actually diminish your body's ability to fight cancer. [2015] - Michael Greger

Premedicating with eight drops' worth of peppermint essential oil four hours before a colonoscopy was found to significantly reduce colon spasms, patient pain, and make the scope easier to insert and withdraw compared with a placebo. If you do need a colonoscopy, ask your doctor about using this simple plant remedy. It might make it easier on both of you. [2015] - Michael Greger

A regular, reliable source of vitamin B12 is critical for anyone eating a plant-based diet. For adults under age 65, the easiest way to get B12 is to take at least one 2,500 mcg supplement each week. If you'd rather get into the habit of taking it daily, the once-a-day dosing is 250 mcg. Note that these doses are specific to cyanocobalamin, the preferred supplement form of vitamin B12, as there is insufficient evidence to support the efficacy of the other forms, like methylcobalamin. For those over 65 who eat plant-based diets, the supplementation should probably be increased up to 1,000 mcg of cyanocobalamin each day. [2015] - Michael Greger

I recommend that people unable to get sufficient sun take one 2,000 IU vitamin D3 supplement each day, ideally with the largest meal of the day. In the northern hemisphere, below approximately 30° latitude, 15 minutes each day of midday sun on the forearms and face without sunblock should produce sufficient vitamin D for Caucasians under the age of 60. Those who have darker skin or who are older may require 30 minutes or more. Farther norther, at 40° latitude, the sun's rays are at such an angle during the months of November through February that vitamin D may not be produced. Above 50°, this "vitamin D winter" may extend for as long as 6 months of the year. [2015] - Michael Greger

Niacin (common name for nicotinic acid, or vitemin B3) assists in the digestion of protein and helps to open capillary circulation. It also works to reduce ascites (abdominal edema) and pain. The dosage is a 50 mg tablet six times daily, taken during meals. This medication often causes the well-known "niacin flush," a temporary reddening of the face and upper chest area, with some itching. This is totally harmless and passes quickly. (Do not switch to nonflushing niacin; it is ineffective.) Niacin should be discontinued during women's periods or in case of bleeding of any kind. [2013] - Charlotte Gerson

Low levels of vitamin D host health problems, including bone disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, mood disorders, and possibly other conditions. You can have your vitamin D level checked to see if this dose is adequate. The test is called 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and the desirable blood level is 30 ng/ml or higher. Very few people get enough vitamin D, so some basic supplementation is warranted. Many experts recommend 800 to 1,000 IUs of vitamin D per day for everyone who isn't regularly exposed to the sun. [2013] - Hillary Wright

I do recommend taking a high-quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement to supply extra vitamins D and B12, zinc, and iodine because ideal amounts of these are hard to acquire even in an excellent diet.  [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Even though most people are deficient in Vitamin D, too much can also be suboptimal, so blood tests are often recommended to assure the proper level of supplementation. 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 is an appropriate amount for the majority of individuals, even though some people could require more. Vitamin D is a critical nutrient, not just for your bones but also for general protection against heart disease, cancer, autoimmume disease, and many other health problems. The 25-hydroxy vitamin D level ideally should be between 30 and 50 ng/ml. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Supplementing your diet with herbs and plants to lower glucose is reasonable, both in capsule form and added into dishes. A few grams of cinnamon have demonstrated benefits at lowering blood glucose and improving lipid parameters without apparent side effects. Gymnema sylvestre is also mildly effective. Powdered fenugreek seeds require too large a dose to be effective so are more difficult to utilized. There are other plants and plant extracts that have little side effects and have been shown to mildly lower blood sugar. They include green tea, acacia extract, hops, bitter melon, and nopales cactus. [2013] - Joel Fuhrman

Supplement food with fermented cod-liver oil to heal cavities. Choose only wild-caught fish. Eat a variety of organ meats. Eat unpasteurized ghee or butter from grass-fed cows, or take vitamin K2 supplements. Coenzyme Q10 in ubiquinol form is a potent antioxidant that repairs gum tissue and bone matrix. It may also increase saliva production. [2013] - Nadine Artemis

I do not recommend that most people consume supplements containing vitamin A, high-dose (200 IU or greater) isolated vitamin E, isolated beta-carotene, folic acid, or copper, as there are risks associated with excess consumption of these nutrients. When my patients ask what multivitamin they should use, I tell them I'd prefer they take a high-quality multi that doesn't contain vitamin A or plain beta-carotene. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Since resveratrol and its related compounds have so many potentially beneficial properties and protect against and fight cancer from so many angles, from angiogenesis inhibition to preventing tumor initiation by deactivating carcinogens, I think it likely that supplementing with resveratrol is beneficial; resveratrol may turn out to be an important adjunct, not just preventatively but also for patients who already are diagnosed with cancer. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Once a person had a cold or flu, zinc supplement significantly reduced the severity of cold symptoms as well as the length of illness. Among people taking zinc within 24 hours of the start of symptoms, the risk of still having symptoms at the seven-day mark was about half that of those not taking zinc. In preventing colds, zinc supplements taken for at least 5 months reduced the risk of catching a cold to only two-thirds that of people not taking the supplements. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

Black elderberry juice is widely used to treat colds and the flu. Studies suggest that black elderberry extract (2-3 tablespoons daily for adults and 1-4 teaspoons for children, depending on age) can inhibit the growth of influenza viruses and shorten the duration of influenza symptoms, while enhancing antibody levels against the virus. These berries have beneficial properties to enhance the body's defense against viral infections, particularly influenza. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

I recommend consuming little or no fish and strongly advise against consuming any of those species of fish notoriously high in mercury, such as shark, swordfish, mackerel, pike, and bluefish. The amount of DHA can vary significantly depending on the fish and the location. Farm-raised fish such as tilapia has none, and even some salmon (especially farm-raised) has very little DHA. Most of us can assure nutritional adequacy of EPA and DHA without using fish oil, by just adding a small amount of a vegan EPA or DHA supplement. A study showed that 100 mg of DHA daily increased the omega-3 index from 4.8 (poor) to 8.4 (optimal) percent. [2011] - Joel Fuhrman

If you have tooth decay, you're presumably deficient in vitamin A and D. The most potent and easy way to consume the fat-soluble vitamins A and D together is cod liver oil (dosage: ​¼-½ teaspoon 2-3 times per day with meals for teens and adults for a total of ½-1½ teaspoons per day). Cod liver oils purchased at health food stores don't have any of their natural vitamin D intact. The best available cod liver oil in health food stores seems to be Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil without vitamin D added. Green Pasture produces the highest quality, most nutrient-dense cod liver oil on the market called Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil ( Green Pasture's cod liver oil capsules equals about a quarter teaspoon (7-10 capsules per day, spread throughout the day). [2011] - Ramiel Nagel

Glutamine is recommended for people who have had surgeries that affect the digestive tract in particular, or those who have received either anti-inflammatory drugs or chemotherapy in the past. Arginine has been shown to increase collagen formation, blood flow to the wound area, and tissue repair. We recommend supplementing with L-glutamine (5-30 g per day) and L-arginine (10-20 g per day) in the first two months following surgery. Caution: Do not take arginine if you have cancer, as it may stimulate the growth of some tumors. FiberSMART by ReNew Life contains a combination of ingredients that support bowel function (glutamine, lactobacillus, etc.) [2006] - Elizabeth Motyka

To bolster your body's anti-inflammatory potential before and after surgery, we recommend using an omega-3 supplement on a daily basis. For the first 3 months, use an omega-3 supplement that is either pure EPA or very high in EPA, then switch for 3 more months to a fish oil preparation balanced in both EPA and DHA. Finally, for long-range consumption, try to find an omega-3 supplement that contains EPA, DHA, and borage oil. Omega-3 fatty acids may initially be consumed in larger quantity (4-6 grams per day) if you're losing weight after major surgery. After one month, the dosage can be reduced to 1-3 grams per day, depending on your body weight and on whether you still show signs of inflammation. [2006] - Elizabeth Motyka

Take vitamin and mineral supplements each day. [2004] - Brian Tracy

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