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Intuitive impressions are often subtle and therefore "evaporate" very quickly, so make sure to capture them in writing as soon as possible. [2005] - Jack Canfield

Millionaires typically make their fortune in one of three ways: From entrepreneurship, which accounts for 75% of all the millionaires in the United States; as an executive at a major corporation, about 10% of millionaires; or as a professional practitioner (doctor, lawyer, dentist, certified public accountant, architect). Additionally, about 5% become millionaires through sales and sales consulting. [2005] - Jack Canfield

People who volunteer live longer, have stronger immune systems, have higher self-esteem, and have a deeper sense of meaning and purpose than those who don't volunteer. Volunteering is a powerful way of networking and often leads to business and career opportunities. Volunteering is also a way to develop important success skills. [2005] - Jack Canfield

Every time you make a mistake, stop, and take the opportunity to learn something new, something you obviously need to learn. [2005] - Robert T. Kiyosaki

There are actually two primary aspects to the fear of making a mistake--fear of the consequences of a mistake and fear of looking bad (perception). [2005] - Robert T. Kiyosaki

Smiles and laughter build the immune system, defend the body against illness and disease, medicate the body, sell ideas, teach better, attract more friends and extend life. [2004] - Allan Pease

Taller people are more successful, healthier and live longer than short people. [2004] - Allan Pease

Success is the ability to live your life the way you want to live it, doing what you most enjoy, surrounded by people you admire and respect. [2004] - Brian Tracy

Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with. [2004] - Brian Tracy

I developed the habit of asking everyone, in every way possible, for the answers that I needed to move ahead more rapidly. And I developed the habit of immediately taking action on any advice or good idea that I received or learned. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Cause and Effect: For every cause, there is an effect. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by accident. If you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results that they do. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Belief: Whatever you believe, with conviction, becomes your reality. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Expectations: Whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Attraction: You are a living magnet; you invariably attract into your life the people, ideas, and circumstances that harmonize with your dominant thoughts. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Correspondence: Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. [2004] - Brian Tracy

60 percent of personality characteristics, such as courage, extroversion, musical interest, sensitivity, athletic ability, and so on, are inborn and innate. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Habit: Whatever you do repeatedly eventually becomes a new habit. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Emotion: Every action that you take is stimulated by an emotion of some kind, either positive or negative. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Concentration: Whatever you dwell upon, grows and expands in your life. [2004] - Brian Tracy

The Law of Subconscious activity: Your subconscious mind accepts any thought, plan, or goal created by the conscious mind and then organizes your thoughts and behaviors to bring that goal into reality. [2004] - Brian Tracy

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