Career Quotes
The most effective way to work is to focus or concentrate on one task at a time. [2009] - Liz Miller
After you've proven yourself (say in six months), the employer may approve or even encourage you to try teleworking. [2008] - Diana Fitzpatrick
Personality profiles such as the Clifton StrengthsFinder, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI), or the Kolbe Conative Index, or DiSC ask you to respond to various questions or pairs of descriptive statements. Then they collate your answers and present you with a summary of your strongest patterns of thought , feeling, or behavior. [2007] - Marcus Buckingham
You will learn and grow the least in your areas of weakness. [2007] - Marcus Buckingham
Your strengths are those activities that make you feel strong. In the language of SIGN, what does one of your strengths actually feel like to you? S for Success - When you do it, you feel effective; I for Instinct - Before you do it, you actively look forward to it; G for Growth - While you are doing it, you feel inquisitive and focused; N for Needs - After you've done it, you feel fulfilled and authentic. [2007] - Marcus Buckingham
If you want to become one of the two out of ten who plays to their strengths most of the time, don't move yourself into a role that is close to but not actually in your strengths zone, no matter how powerful your urge to do so. [2007] - Marcus Buckingham
Whenever you are considering a new role, the three questions most people ask themselves are: 1. What is the fundamental purpose of the role, and do I have an appetite for this purpose? 2. What are the kinds of the people I'll be working with? 3. What are the specific activities that will fill my week? The most important is the last one. [2007] - Marcus Buckingham
People who do have the opportunity to focus on their strengths every day are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs and more than three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life in general. [2007] - Tom Rath
If you want or need to move, move with a winning record of success, move with a plan, and move to something you love. [2005] - Jeffrey Gitomer
A strength is consistent near perfect performance in an activity. The ability is a strength only if you can fathom yourself doing it repeatedly, happily, and successfully. [2005] - Marcus Buckingham
Talents are your naturally recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behavior. Knowledge consists of the facts and lessons learned. Skills are the steps of an activity. These three--talents, knowledge, and skills--combine to create your strengths. [2005] - Marcus Buckingham
As a salesperson, you can learn how to describe your products' features (knowledge), you can even learn how to ask the right open-ended questions to elicit each prospect's needs (a skill), but you'll never learn how to push that prospect to commit at exactly the right moment and in exactly the right way. These are talents. [2005] - Marcus Buckingham
The most basic skill of public speaking: 1. Always start by telling people what you are going to tell them. 2. Tell them. 3. Tell them what you have told them. [2005] - Marcus Buckingham
The "big five" factors of personality are neuroticism (which reflects emotional stability), extroversion (seeking the company of others), openness (interest in new experiences, ideas, and so forth), agreeableness (liability, harmoniousness), and conscientiousness (rule abidance, discipline, integrity). Human personality functioning can be summarized in terms of these five dimensions. [2005] - Marcus Buckingham
A general model of positive psychology captures personal motivation (Striving), interpersonal skills (Relating), self-presentation (Impacting), and learning style (Thinking). [2005] - Marcus Buckingham
Making Great First Impressions: Always stand in a reception area - never sit. Stand with Hand-in-Hand behind your back (confidence) and slowly rock back and forth on your feet (confident, controlled) or use the Steeple gesture (but never do this at the Tax Office). Put down your briefcase, folder or whatever is in your hands, shake the person's hand and immediately take a seat. Never shake directly across a desk. Use a person's name twice in the first 15 seconds and never talk for more than 30 seconds at a time. If the door was closed when you entered, close it behind you as you leave. If you're a man, make sure you have shined the back of your shoes. [2004] - Allan Pease
There are four types of jobs that you can do. 1. Hard to learn and hard to do, like accounting or bookkeeping. 2. Hard to learn but easy to do, like typing or flying an airplane. 3. Easy to learn but hard to do, like digging a ditch (physical labor). 4. Easy to learn and easy to do. These are the best indicators of your natural talents and abilities. This type of work is the key to career success. [2004] - Brian Tracy
If you sincerely want to become a millionaire over the course of your lifetime, you must be prepared to make important changes, including moving geographically from one part of the country to another if necessary. You must be prepared to leave a job or industry if the prospects for that industry are declining. You must be honest with yourself. [2004] - Brian Tracy
Your time is your life. Choose your job with care. Your time is more important than the money that you will receive. Money can be replaced, but time spent is gone forever. [2004] - Brian Tracy
Look forward three to five years and identify the additional skills and competencies you will need to be at the top of your field at that time. [2004] - Brian Tracy