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Marketing Quotes

The strategy of Preeminence is quite simply the ability to put your clients' needs always ahead of your own. [2000] - Jay Abramham

Set up a host-beneficiary relationship. Company A (the host) agrees to let Company B (the beneficiary) deliver a sales message to people who are Company A's clients. Company A could even agree to encourage their clients to purchase a product or service from Company B and actually sing their praises. [2000] - Jay Abramham

You should locate companies that have clients logically predisposed to your product or service. (For example, a real estate company might have clients interested in carpet cleaner) Each company should give an endorsement to your product or service, and in return they should receive a certain percentage of the profits from all sales. Or offer other forms of compensation like donations to their favorite charity or help with their accounting expenses. [2000] - Jay Abramham

Ask for referrals when clients are most receptive. This could be when they have just bought your product or service. This could be when you have done something great for them such as given them a large refund, a good sale, paid off a claim, or fulfilled your promised service or obligation. This could be when something special has happened in their lives such as a marriage, the birth of a child, a promotion, a special honor, being elected to a special office, retirement, or a transfer. [2000] - Jay Abramham

By sending a sales letter out ahead of a phone call, the effectiveness of the call itself was increased by 1,000 percent. [2000] - Jay Abramham

We are perfectly satisfied if ninety-five out of one hundred people receiving our cold prospect mailing don't open it, so long as half of the remaining five reply. [2000] - Jay Abramham

When you have identified the audience, go out and rent five thousand or one thousand--or the smallest meaningful quantity of--names from that list that you can afford and can access. [2000] - Jay Abramham

The Components of a Sales Letter: 1. It must get the reader's attention with a powerful headline (tell him how he can gain, save, profit, achieve, or accomplish something through your product or service). 2. The letter must show clear and distinct advantages in the body copy. 3. The letter has to prove or validate your claim of benefits or advantages through factual examples--comparisons, analysis, testimonials, or credentials. 4. The letter must persuade the reader to reach out and seize the advantage you promise. 5. The letter must motivate the reader to act, respond, order, write, come in, or send back the coupon. [2000] - Jay Abramham

People love to see data, even if they can't evaluate it. [2000] - Jay Abramham

My most successful sales letters have been eight, ten, twelve, even sixteen, pages long. If your sales letters are interesting, people will gladly read them. Your sales letter should be warm, human, sincere, honest, personal, and one-on-one. [2000] - Jay Abramham

Your brochure or your company product or service report should be technical. Never, ever, use a brochure in the mail without an accompanying sales letter to amplify and dimensionalize it. [2000] - Jay Abramham

The carrier envelope can present a sales message that does the same job as an ad headline. The job of the envelope is to get the letter opened. Some people put distinctive language on the upper left corner of their carrier envelopes, like "Executive Offices," "President," "Research Department," or "Treasurer." Experiment and find what works best for you. [2000] - Jay Abramham

Quantity does not matter in lead generation. Quality and convertibility are what's important. A prospect is someone who is qualified today. [2000] - Jay Abramham

You can avoid wasting your money mailing to people who hate "junk mail." You can personalize every letter by name, address, and salutation. Many lists can be rented with all kinds of additional data included, such as phone numbers. Most rentals begin as test mailings for five thousand or ten thousand names. [2000] - Jay Abramham

When you get solicitations in the mail, stop throwing them away. Maybe there's a good headline or great opening you could use in a letter you might send out to your own clients. Maybe there's an incredible risk-reversal or closing approach in that letter that you can use directly. [2000] - Jay Abramham

A strong word-of-mouth campaign is part of marketing. And so are business cards, stationery, hours of operation, and the clothes you wear. Location is also important in marketing. [1998] - Jay Conrad Levinson

You cannot succeed without media advertising. [1998] - Jay Conrad Levinson

An overall marketing plan for a person engaged in individual enterprise might consist of a listing in the Yellow Pages, a Web site, a mailing of circulars and business cards, a posting of signs, and a follow-up telephoning to prospects to whom the promotional material was sent. [1998] - Jay Conrad Levinson

The markets are older people; women; ethnic groups, especially Asian-Americans and Hispanics; and small businesses, especially home-based businesses. [1998] - Jay Conrad Levinson

Outdoor signs and billboards are superb at reminding people of your existence and your reason for being. They aren't successful as a sole means of marketing except in rare instances. However, they work well in combination with other marketing methods. Advertising specialties such T-shirts, calendars, mousepads, and baseball caps work like billboards and signs to remind people of your existence. [1998] - Jay Conrad Levinson

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