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Quotations by Neil Strauss

Group theory: You do not walk up to a girl who's all by herself. That is not the perfect seduction. Women of beauty are rarely found alone. After approaching the group, the key is to ignore the woman you desire while winning over her friends-especially the men and anyone else likely to cockblock. Neither compliment nor insult, a neg is something in between-an accidental insult or backhanded compliment. The purpose of a neg is to lower a woman's self esteem. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Besides confidence and a smile, the other characteristics of an alpha male were being well-groomed, possessing a sense of humor, connecting with people, and being seen as the social center of a room. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Never approach a woman from behind. Always come in from the front, but at a slightly angle so it's not too direct and confrontational. You should speak to her over your shoulder, so it looks like you might walk away at any minute. [2005] - Neil Strauss

An IOI is an indicator of interest. If she asks you what your name is, that's an IOI. If she asks you if you're single, that's an IOI. If you take her hands and squeeze them, and she squeezes back, that's an IOI. [2005] - Neil Strauss

The secrete to meeting women is simply knowing what to say, and when and how to say it. [2005] - Neil Strauss

The fundamental precept of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is that one's thoughts, feelings, and behavior-and the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of others-can be manipulated through words, suggestions, and physical gestures designed to influence the subconscious. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Women want sex as much as-if not more than-men; they just don't want to be pressured, lied to, or made to feel like a slut. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Women aren't persuaded as easily by direct images and talk. They respond better to metaphor and suggestion. [2005] - Neil Strauss

One of the most important things to do with an attractive woman was to demonstrate value. In other words, what makes me any different from the last twenty guys who approached her? Women are sick of generic guys asking the same generic questions: "So where are you from?...What do you do for work?" [2005] - Neil Strauss

It takes roughly seven hours for a woman to be comfortably led from meet to sex. These seven hours can take place all in one night, or over several days: approaching and talking for an hour; speaking on the phone for an our; meeting for drinks for two hours; talking on the phone for another hour; and then on the next meeting, hanging out for two more hours before going to bed together. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Women, by and large, are much more perceptive than men. Anyone talking to a woman while simultaneously worrying about what she thinks of him is going to fail. Anyone caught thinking about getting into a woman's pants before she starts thinking about what's in his pants is going to fail. [2005] - Neil Strauss

If you can make a girl envy you, you can make a girl sleep with you. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Talking too fast is usually a sign of a deep lack of confidence. Such people usually become writers. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Girls don't respect guys who buy them drinks. Never buy meals, drinks, or gifts for a girl you haven't slept with. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Direction to take a girl: First, open. Then demonstrate higher value. Next, build rapport and an emotional connection. And, finally, create a physical connection. [2005] - Neil Strauss

When women stand near a man but facing away from him, especially when there's no reason for them to be hanging out in that particular spot, it means they're interested; they want to be opened. [2005] - Neil Strauss

We have this idea that love is supposed to last forever. But love isn't like that. It's a free-flowing energy that comes and goes when it pleases. Sometimes it stays for life; other times it stays for a second, a day, a month, or a year. So don't fear love when it comes simply because it makes you vulnerable. but don't be surprised when it leaves, either. Just be glad you had the opportunity to experience it. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Rapport equals trust plus comfort. [2005] - Neil Strauss

Women are constantly judging a man's value in order to determine if it can help them with their life objectives of survival and replication. Women tend to respond to status and social proof. [2005] - Neil Strauss

All human problems fall into one of three areas: health, wealth, and relationships. [2005] - Neil Strauss

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