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Quotations by Dan Gooder Richard

Put marketing dollars first--and mostly--into promoting direct navigation, then second into strategic links, and third into search marketing placement. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Print your web address on your letterhead, envelopes, and under your return address on postcards. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Use your web address as your newsletter or custom newspaper. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Getting your site ranked in the first 10 to 30 matches (equivalent of first three pages) in major search engines is the difference between being found and being lost in the haystack.  [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Search engines usually read the first 500 words from each page and use that text to create a relevance index for a particular search term. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Use an internal site search engine to determine what keywords people use to find or search your site. You may be surprised. Watch for search terms you hadn't considered when you originally built the site. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

When you find underutilized word(s) not being used by competitors (lateral search) but that do appear on the consumer list (vertical search), you've hit pay dirt. Beat the competition by inserting those underutilized keywords in your website keyword list and in the content of your pages. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Internet users are relatively comfortable providing e-mail addresses online, but are very uncomfortable about providing other contact information (phone numbers, street addresses); credit card and social security numbers. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Publish a privacy policy. Link to your privacy statement prominently on every page, especially on web forms. It can be as simple as a reassuring sentence: "E-mail addresses are kept private." Or "We respect your privacy and will keep your personal information completely confidential as stated in our Privacy Policy." Or "We never have and never will share your e-mail with anyone else." [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

Post the comments and photos of happy customers on your site. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

The most powerful direct-response phrase in e-marketing is "Click here." [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard

The 'From' line is the most important factor motivating consumers to open e-mails; 60% of respondents cited the from line, while 35% cited the subject line. [2004] - Dan Gooder Richard