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Quotations by Paul Meredith

If you are purchasing with 25% down payment vs. 20%, you may get a lower rate. 30% might get you a bit lower yet. The lowest insurable rates are usually available with 35% or greater down payment, however with some lenders you may need as much as 40%. Additional down payment beyond 35-40% will not get you a further discount on rate. [2018] - Paul Meredith

The cost of an uninsurable mortgage can be as much as 25 basis point (0.25%) higher than that of an insurable mortgage, or even higher. I've seen the difference as high as 50 basis points. [2018] - Paul Meredith

A 10 year fixed mortgage typically carries a rate of around 1% higher than the 5 year fixed. I do think that 10 year fixed terms are not the right choice for most people. It's because nobody expects to break their mortgage mid-term, but it happens all the time, and sometimes we are forced to. [2018] - Paul Meredith