Quotations by Ramiel Nagel
If you have tooth decay, you're presumably deficient in vitamin A and D. The most potent and easy way to consume the fat-soluble vitamins A and D together is cod liver oil (dosage: ¼-½ teaspoon 2-3 times per day with meals for teens and adults for a total of ½-1½ teaspoons per day). Cod liver oils purchased at health food stores don't have any of their natural vitamin D intact. The best available cod liver oil in health food stores seems to be Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil without vitamin D added. Green Pasture produces the highest quality, most nutrient-dense cod liver oil on the market called Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil (www.traditionalfoods.org). Green Pasture's cod liver oil capsules equals about a quarter teaspoon (7-10 capsules per day, spread throughout the day). [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
To obtain adequate dietary calcium without using dairy foods, dentist Melvin Page recommended eating: salmon, oysters, clams, shrimp, other sea-foods, broccoli, beet greens, nuts, beans, cauliflower, figs and olives. Green vegetables that are very high in calcium come from the brassica family and include: broccoli, kale, bok choy, cabbage, mustard and turnip greens. Seaweed is another excellent source of calcium. Other sources of calcium could be taro root, and herbs. Canned fish with bones is high in calcium, but fresh fish will be much lower because the bones are not consumed. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
Avoid or greatly limit highly sweet fruits like dates, peaches, pineapples, dried fruit, blueberries, oranges, grapes and bananas until you don't have tooth decay anymore. Examples of less sweet fruits are: sour berries such as raspberries, as well as kiwi, and green apples. If you have bad cavities or want to immediately stop the rapid process of tooth decay, avoid all sweets and fruits and completely. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
Soak beans overnight and cook with kombu (sea vegetable) to soften them aid digestion. Beans should be very soft and easy to digest when cooked. Choose smaller sized beans over large ones. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
Oil pulling is the simple but ancient technique of swishing oil in your mouth as a mouthwash. Use about one tablespoon of organic oil. Coconut and sesame seed oil work well, and olive oil is another option. Swish the oil around as long as you can. 10-20 minutes is ideal but it can be difficult to go that long. Spit the oil out when you are done (not in your sink) and rinse your mouth well. The oil pulls out toxins from your gum tissues and helps remove deeply embedded debris. This is a great treatment for gum problems, bad breath, or to increase your overall oral health. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
If you have a small cavity, the non invasive dentist would advise you about the cavity curing power of cod liver oil. "Take two teaspoons per day, and come back next week." Most cavities can be demineralized by diet alone. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
EndoCal 10, formerly known as Biocalex is a form of calcium oxide. Holistically oriented dentists have reported good results form using this material. As an alternative to a root canal, dentists can use the precision of a laser to vaporize infections in teeth without traumatizing the dental nerve. Holistically oriented dentists also have tools to calm an infection, such as homeopathic injections and lasers to stimulate healing. If you have been told that you need a root canal but you don't feel any sort of pain, swelling or information, then you more than likely don't need this dental treatment. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
Here are 7 of the most successful treatments for halting tooth pain. Each treatment can stand alone, or you can try several of them together. 1. Place clove oil or powdered cloves on the painful tooth. 2. Swish organic sesame seed or coconut oil in your mouth for 5-10 minutes and then spit it out. 3. Place goldenseal powder on or near the painful tooth. 4. Place oil of oregano on the tooth 5. Dissolve a moderate amount of natural salt in a small amount of water and swish it in your mouth for at last one minute. Repeat several times throughout the day. 6. Echinacea can be applied topically on the tooth and/or taken internally using the tincture or powdered form. 7. Supplementing with vitamin B5, pantothenic acid. Food sources rich in B5 include: liver, sunflower seeds, shiitake mushrooms and eggs. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel
The disadvantage to flossing is that it's very easy to cut your gums. Injuring your gums daily doesn't seem like a practice that will promote healthy teeth and gums. The advantage to flossing is that you're able to clan out debris from between your teeth that would otherwise linger and putrefy in your mouth. If you floss our teeth, be very careful not to slash your gums. If you choose to floss with a string, then use dental tape, which is a wide and thick version of dental floss. Using the blotting method to poke out food with an ultrasoft tooth brush, or using a water flosser (oral irrigator) seems to be much better suggestions. [2011] - Ramiel Nagel