Quotations by Ellie Phillips
Adults will benefit from using a dilute 0.05% sodium fluoride rinse without alcohol the last thing before going to bed. If you rinse and spit out but don't wash your mouth or drink anything more, a thin residue will cover your teeth for many hours during the night. The residue helps minerals in saliva rebuild damaged tooth enamel to improve the condition of your teeth while you're sleeping. The treatment will be especially helpful for people with tooth damage caused by dry mouth, acid reflux, or trauma to teeth from a hard bite. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
If you're going to bleach your teeth, understand what you're doing and evaluate the risks. During bleaching you can upset or kill the nerve of a tooth, which could potentially require a root-canal treatment or even an extraction. Everyone who bleaches their teeth will damage their enamel to some extent. Bleaching decreases the hardness of the teeth, demineralizing and weakening them. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Most whitening products contain peroxide as the main ingredient. The problem with peroxide is created by something called a hydroxyl-free radical, a by-product of bleaching that causes damage to the gum--damage that may be permanent. In addition, many whitening toothpastes contain abrasive polishing agents to remove some of the surface layer of your tooth, the part most often stained. But remember, this layer offers your tooth the most protection from infection and a barrier to make teeth less sensitive. I consider that a very well-known brand of whitening mouth rinse should be considered a co-carcinogen and that using the product may increase your risk for oral cancer. Stay clear of products that claim to whiten teeth. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Sweeteners like stevia and xylitol are derived from natural sources and are healthy and safe sugar substitutes, despite the fact that they have such off-putting and chemical-sounding names. Artificial sweeteners, on the other hand, often have alluring names like Splenda, Sweet'N Low, and Equal. There are great differences for teeth between the effects of consuming the natural and dentally beneficial sugar substitute xylitol and xylitol's ugly stepsister, the artificial sugarless sweetener called sorbitol. Sorbitol can cause gastric problems like bloating and stomach cramps at low dosage. Many people who consume sorbitol find they develop acid reflux symptoms. Don't believe that when a product says it's sugar free it means it's "safe or good for teeth." Sugar-free products, especially chewing gum and diet drinks, may contain sorbitol. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Few mineral waters are alkaline, and even tap water may be acidic. As a generalization, the more expensive bottled waters, originating from various regions of the world, seem to be alkaline. Evian is a brand of bottled water and is mildly alkaline, with a pH of 7.2, and Fiji water from the island of Fiji, has a pH of 7.4. People who wake and need a drink during the night, people with a dry mouth, or those who are dehydrated or sick may want to take particular interest in the pH value of the water they are consuming. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Citric acid is damaging in any mouth, and in a dry mouth, where it is not diluted or washed off teeth by saliva, the damage will be more extreme. Many fruits contain citric acid, as do the drinks made from them: grapefruit, oranges, limes, or lemons. Other foods, such as bananas, almonds, potatoes, vegetables of all kinds, fresh apples, and even pineapple, can make the mouth alkaline. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Several foods are not only safe for teeth but also have tooth-protective or anti-cavity features: 1) Cow's milk; 2) Cheese; 3) Dark chocolate; 4) Certain plant fibers and leaves (sugarcane, fresh apples, tea, etc.); 5) Intense sweeteners (glycyrrhizin from licorice root, thaumatin, miraculin, etc.); 6) Propolis. Finishing a meal or a snack with something dentally healthy can alter the chemistry of your mouth and leave it safe for teeth. Know at least one or two foods that you like and which are safe for teeth so that you can eat these to complete any meal or snack made up of foods that are damaging. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
In general, a toothbrush head should be less than one inch in length and should have a handle that allows a firm grasp. The bristles must have rounded ends to avoid damaging the gums. I suggest looking for "caretaker" brushes with small heads and longer handles. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Brushes should be cleaned daily, using an anti-bacterial or other sanitizing method. Toothbrushes can be cleaned by swishing the bristles of the brush in ½oz undiluted antibacterial rinse (Listerine) for 30 seconds. Rinse away the disinfecting liquids under running tap water. Store the brush head up, in a cup, allowing the bristles to air dry completely between each use. If your storage conditions are damp or wet, mold or bacteria will grow easily on your brush, even under a cover or in a bag. Depending on their bathroom conditions, some families may be able to keep their toothbrushes cleaner by storing them in a kitchen area. The makers of the UV sterilizers for toothbrushes are now making small portable units for traveling toothbrushes, and the units seem to work well. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Most pastes contain dicalcium phosphate dehydrate as an abrasive to clean teeth. Abrasive toothpaste, often used for tartar control, can cause sensitivity and may actually weaken teeth. Some antibacterial ingredients and whitening products may even be classified as co-carcinogens, capable of triggering cancer in cancer-prone patients when used repeatedly over time. I recommend the original Crest Regular Cavity Protection toothpaste with no extras. This paste is sufficiently cleansing without being too abrasive. It contains sodium fluoride to strengthen teeth. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
Recent testing confirms the effectiveness of Listerine in removing plaque from teeth and shows that rinsing twice a day is as effective for removing plaque as flossing once a day. Listerine exerts its antibacterial effect mainly on immature bacteria, so rinsing every 12 hours is important. The bonus of Listerine is that rinsing reaches everywhere in the mouth whereas only about 25% of the mouth is cleaned by flossing and brushing. Look for the original formula or a taste you can tolerate. Avoid rinses that are advertised for plaque control, whitening, or have other features that are unnecessary. [2010] - Ellie Phillips
A large percentage of adults have acidic saliva or drink acidic drinks just before brushing their teeth. Their teeth will therefore already be acid softened as they start brushing. Acid-softened teeth are easily abraded, especially by a toothbrush coated with toothpaste. Poorly designed brushes, stiff or hard bristles, or an abrasive toothpaste make this problem worse. I suggest using a stabilized chlorine-dioxide mouth rinse called Closys in the United States (Retardex in the United Kingdom) for a prerinse. A chlorine-dioxide rinse is most effective if it's unflavored. [2010] - Ellie Phillips