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Quotations by Nir Barzilai

So far, we’ve discovered three primary traits that SuperAgers have in common: 1. High levels of good cholesterol (HDL). 2. Unusually low levels of the growth hormone IGF-1. 3. Unusually high levels of some MDPs. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

In a diverse population, men’s HDL cholesterol levels average about 45 mg/dl and women’s average about 55, but the centenarians’ offspring sometimes had HDL levels over 100! HDL decreases by about five points every eight years starting at middle age. If a man’s HDL is 60 and a woman’s HDL is 70, it’s considered fabulous. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

As we age, it’s also important to retain flexibility by stretching and doing practices like yoga and tai chi that help to maintain balance. Flexibility and a good sense of balance can also help to prevent injuries. As for how much you should exercise, the answer is that we don’t know yet. There’s a commonly held belief that 10,000 steps a day is the magic number for staying healthy, but I have to tell you there isn’t much scientific evidence to back that up. If your stride is a little longer than two feet, it will take a little more than two thousand steps to walk one mile. If you’re active with everyday activities on a regular basis, it’s possible that adding just one mile to your day could be enough to extend your life span and health span. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

Although it looked like metformin did not allow all the positive effects of exercise to occur, there’s a lot of suggestion that the combination of exercise and metformin has a positive overall effect. In light of this, I take metformin in addition to exercising. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

Studies also indicate that a diet high in fiber is more important for longevity than a diet low in carbohydrates. High amounts of fiber lower cholesterol, modulate sugar levels, and increase bowel health by keeping things moving through the intestines. As for protein, studies show that of all the options, meat is the most detrimental to health. Processed red meat increased the risk of mortality more than any other protein, but the risk from eating poultry and fish was not significant, and neither was the risk from eating protein from dairy. Eggs appear to increase the mortality rate, though, and there are associations between eating eggs and incidence of cardiovascular mortality. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

Olive oil’s antioxidant polyphenols have a direct effect on blood vessels and genes, and they feed the good gut bacteria and produce fatty acids that lower inflammation. Only the extra-virgin olive oil delivered health benefits. Olive oils that were not extra-virgin did not appear to produce any benefits. Cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil contains about thirty types of polyphenols that reduce inflammation and target the hallmarks of aging, particularly in the cardiovascular system and the brain. It also has lower acidity and tastes better than less healthy olive oils. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

Many people who are age fifty or older may also need to boost their intake of vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D. Vitamin B12 rich sources: liver and kidneys, especially from lamb, clams, sardines, beef, trout, salmon, and eggs. But older people may not absorb enough of it from food. B12 is also deficient in some patients who have been taking metformin for a long time. Calcium rich sources: green leafy vegetables like broccoli, collard greens, kale, and spinach, low-fat dairy products, and nondairy “milk” that's fortified with calcium. But as with vitamin B12, older adults may not absorb enough of this micronutrient from food. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

There are different schools of thought on how we should fast and for how long; at the moment, it’s commonly thought that the best results occur when the fast is done for sixteen to twenty-four hours at least once or twice a week. Fasting daily may generally produce the best results. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

Over time, night shift workers tend to experience more ulcers, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. They also experience more insomnia, depression, and dementia. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

We should have all these tests by the time we’re fifty: Blood Glucose/HbA1C, Blood Pressure, Colonoscopy, HDL and LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides, Mammogram, Pap Smear, Prostate Cancer Check. The following vaccines are recommended: Flu Shots, Pneumococcal, Shingles, Td/Tdap. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

There is a significant amount of data from scientific studies that suggests that people who have a strong sense of purpose are healthier and enjoy a higher quality of life than people who do not. As long as you have more plans than achievements, you’ll probably be hanging in here for a while. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

Practices like yoga, meditation, guided visualization, and reflexology are doing good things for people, and some people swear by the healing powers of listening to certain types of music, singing, or chanting. Others say that creating artwork or expressing themselves through dance keeps them feeling inspired or has helped them to heal.  [2020] - Nir Barzilai

Almost every day, I run three miles on my treadmill or I bike ten miles. I also take advantage of the new technology and track my steps with a Fitbit and an iPhone. Even though we don’t know that ten thousand steps a day is the minimum requirement, I’d rather do more than the minimum. Strength Training: Once a week. Balance and Flexibility: Once a week with a trainer. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

I eat anything I want for dinner and put off eating the next day for as long as I can. That may mean having a late lunch or not eating until dinner, but I make sure I stay hydrated with water and noncaloric drinks. If I need a snack, I eat several almonds or olives. I often fast on consecutive days, eating only in the evening, and I’ve been surprised by how easy it is and how well I feel. I have also been monitoring my glucose levels with FreeStyle Libre 14 day system. [2020] - Nir Barzilai

I take NMN, which is a precursor of an energy mediator called NAD+. The one thing that I noticed with taking NMN is that, according to my Fitbit, my REM sleep has become better. I’ve been taking aspirin for thirty years even though recent studies have not documented its effectiveness in preventing heart attacks, strokes, or even colon cancer. In fact, a big trial showed that aspirin may be harmful in people who are over the age of seventy, but I take it because I fly frequently and want to protect myself from deep vein thrombosis. [2020] - Nir Barzilai