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Quotes of the Day

I grow businesses because I want to sell them or take them public, not receive dividends. [2000] - Robert T. Kiyosaki

Experience shows that hiring an effective assistant should easily double your sales volume. So many of us make the mistake of hiring out of convenience rather than by standards. [2004] - Gary Keller

If you don't know something, ask someone who does know. On the flip side, don't be a pest and ask for too much help. Read books about great entrepreneurs such as Edison, Ford, and Gates. [2005] - Robert T. Kiyosaki

A regular-sized ring that is monitoring your heart rate, body temperature & movements and tells you each morning if you slept well, how much you dreamed, how alert you will be during the day, etc. costs a few hundred dollars and can be ordered by anyone online.  [2019] - David A. Sinclair

If you're planning to sell your home within the next six months, then by all means consider replacing front door handles and locks. [2003] - Robert Irwin